Some inspirations
Here are some pictures of places from our surroundings that inspire us. Just being in nature opens you up for finer vibrations. We are nature, and as we walk through it, we just get reconnected on a dieper subconscious level. Try to sense the moment and let it in. Breath in, enjoy, let it overwhelm you and finally inspire you to live more in connection whit your self and the real world around you. And that real world is this beautiful planet with al this amazing places that still exist. On one of this places is this exhibition and al of us, together, connected by water.
National Park Plitvice lakes, UNESCO world heritage.
Pogledajte neka od mjesta koja nas nadahnjuju i inspiriraju. Već samo bivanje u prirodi otvara nas nekim profinjenijim vibracijama. Mi jesmo priroda, i boravak u njoj nas ponovno povezuje na dubljoj, nesvijesnoj razini. Osjetite taj trenutak, udišite, uživajte, dozvolite da vas preplavi osjećaj jedinstva, osjećaj pripadnosti stvarnom svijetu. A taj stvarni svijet je ova planeta prepuna predivnih mjesta. Na jednom od tih mjesta smo i mi, zajedno, povezani vodom.