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fluid of life

21. 3 - 12. 4

International ceramics exhibition

Plitvice lakes national park, Croatia


8th to 16th


TZ Plitvicediscover.png

This is the web page of international ceramics exhibition 'Water - fluid of life'. On this pages we will keep you informed about the exhibition, so please, come back regularly to see what's new.


Ovo su internet stranice međunarodne izložbe keramike 'Voda-fluid života'. Na njima možete pronaći informacije o izložbi i događanjima oko nje. Svratite redovito po novosti. 

Why Water


The theme of the exhibition is water in all its aspects and forms. Water as a universal life force, life’s fluid, source of inspiration. And what better place to get inspired and to experience this force but the Plitvice lakes, a UNESCO protected national park with 16 falling lakes and countless waterfalls in the midst of Lika region, Croatian highlands. 


Lately, water has been studied not only by scientists but also by explorers, artists, philosophers and ecologists. They study the phenomenon of water, they try to explain all the extraordinary qualities that make this fluid specific and unique to this planet and universe. 

Given those recent discoveries we learn that water has the power to heal as well as destruct, it has a process of self-cleansing, it is a bearer of important biological information and it has memory!


All of these are reasons to look at water differently today, to think of it as more of a universal being than an omnipresent matter that creates and supports all life (and living beings) on Earth!

With these feelings we invite you to give a couple of thoughts to water and see how it replies!


Join us on this feast of art and nature. Spare a moment to think about water. What it is for you, how do you perceive it, how does it communicate with you, how do you translate it in to your own life, your creativity and your work. Participate with your artwork on our expo and join others  from all over the globe. 


The expo wil be held from June 8th to 16th 2019 at hotel Jezero, National Park Plitvice Lakes. The works submitted will be presented inside and in te open air atrium of the hotel.


Why 2019? There are several very good reasons to that. This year Plitvice lakes national park is celebrating 70 years of their official national park status (since 1949), 40 years of UNESCO recognition (since 1979), and a beginning of a new phase in their existence, with focus on sustainability and cooperation with the local community. One of the activities is blending nature and art, presenting different ways of looking at and interacting with water. 


International ceramics centre  Atelier Janja Gora celebrates 13 years from the beginning of the project.   


Tema ove izložbe je voda u svim svojim pojavnostima i oblicima. Voda kao univerzalna životna sila, životni fluid, izvor inspiracije. Ima li boljeg mjesta za inspiraciju i susret sa ovom silom od Plitvičkih jezera, nacionalnog parka sa 16 ‘padajućih’ jezera i bezbroj slapova u srcu Like.


U zadnje vrijeme vodu izučavaju ne samo znanstvenici već i istraživači, umjetnici, filozofi i ekolozi. Izučavaju fenomen vode, pokušavaju objasniti sve njene posebnosti koje tu tekućinu čine specifičnom i jedinstvenom na našem planetu i u svemiru. Iz tih nedavnih saznanja učimo da voda ima moć iscijeliti ali i razoriti, snagu samopročišćenja, nositelj je važnih bioloških informacija i pamti!

Sve to razlozi su da danas na vodu gledamo prije kao na univerzalno biće nego kao na sveprisutnu tvar koja stvara a time i podržava sav život na zemlji. Htjeli bi smo da u ovom ozračju uputite pokoju misao vodi i vidite kako će voda uzvratiti.


Pridružite nam se u ovoj gozbi umjetnosti i prirode. Izdvojite trenutak za promišljanje o vodi. Što je voda za vas, kako je doživljavate, kako komunicira sa vama, kako to prevodite u svoj vlastiti život, svoju kreativnost i svoj rad.

Sudjelujte sa svojim djelom na ovoj izložbi zajedno sa sedamdesetak umjetnika iz cijelog svijeta.


Izložba će se održati od 8. do 16 lipnja 2019. u hotelu Jezero u NP Plitvička jezera.

Djela će biti izložena u otvorenom i zatvorenom dijelu atrija hotela Jezero.


Zašto 2019? Više je dobrih razloga za to. NP Plitvička Jezera slave 70 godina od proglašenja nacionalnim parkom (1949), 40 godina od priznanja UNESCO-a (1979) i početak nove faze svojeg postojanja sa fokusom na održivi razvoj i suradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom. Jedna od tih aktivnosti je i spajanje prirode i umjetnosti, predstavljajući različite načine poimanja i interakcije sa vodom. 


Naš Internacionalni cetnar keramike Atelje Janja Gora slavi 13 godina svog postojanja. 



fluid života


June 8th, Saturday - Expo opening

18.00       welcoming speech, Branko Šupica, Lou Smedts 

18.15        Kazimir Miculinić, National park Plitvice Lakes

18.45       opening concert Putokazi

19.30       opening and buffet


June 9th, Sunday

9.30         Visiting the national park, guided tour

16.30       Dolly Kao, China, Tea ceremony presentation

17.30       Lidia Boševski, Croatia, Mare modul 

18.30       Lauren Moreira, Italy, More Clay Less Plastic

19.30       Lou Smedts, Germany, Natural glazes 

June 13th 2019. Thursday

Atelje Janja Gora, visit, presentation, open day, celebration of 13 years from the start of the project.


June 14th 2019. Friday

16.30       Dolly Kao, China, Tea ceremony presentation

18.00    Elke Duerr, USA, documentary: I am Water


June 15th 2019, Saturday

17.30     Goran Šarić, Croatia, Water and our ancestors

18.30    Krešimir Mišak, Croatia, Viktor Schauberger, water wizard

20.00    Closing expo


June 16th 2019, Sunday

Disassembling and packaging.  

For all your questions 

Lou Smedts, curator of the expo:

Branko Šupica, organization:;; FB: Branko Šupica

See the exhibition space on the photos bellow:
Exhibition space, hotel Jezero
Fotografije Hotel

© 2024 by Atelje Janja Gora.  Background and poster photography: Bojan Mršić

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